Tuesday 17 June 2014


The NNPC/Chevron joint venture, in partnership with the Federal Ministry of Education and the African Artists' Foundation started the National Art Competition for Secondary Schools in 2005. The competition is a platform for students to exhibit their talent through their art works. The best submissions win prizes including scholarships to help complete their secondary education.

Calling for entries to the 7th edition of the National Art Competition for Children themed "Nigeria at 100 Centenary Celebration" National Art Competition for Children is a joint venture of NNPC and Chevron in partnership with the Federal Ministry of Education facilitated by African Artists' Foundation.

Eligible participants for the National Art Competition for Children are students in JSS1 - SS3 classes in Nigerian Secondary Schools.

Entry specifications: Must be a painting made from water-colour/poster-colour/oil-colour/acrylic. Entry dimensions should not exceed 60 cm x 45 cm. Applicants may use any colour of choice.

The following information should be provided on the reverse of each entry;
Full name:
Title of work:
School stamp and Principal's signature:
Phone number of student, art teacher and parents:

The National Art Competition for Children closing date for entries is July 18, 2014.

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