Monday 23 June 2014

Port-Harcourt World Book Capital 2014: Call for entries-essay competition

An essay competition to mark Nigeria’s centenary will be launched nation-wide for youth. Winners will be recognized and rewarded at the Port Harcourt Book Festival 2014.

This activity will give participants the unique opportunity of coming up with a story that would be part of the landmark of Nigeria’s centenary. It would further create awareness of the PH WBC and reward literary prowess.

This year’s topic is - POSSIBILITIES FOR NIGERIA @100
Eligible participants are bona fide students from an accredited Nigerian tertiary institution
Rules and regulations: 
  • Open to students in any tertiary institution in Nigeria and must be between 16 and 25 years. 
  • Essay should be between 1,200 and 1,500 words, type-set with double space (Times New Roman 12 Point font size) 
  • Essay must be original and unpublished
  • Copyright of the essay entered will be assigned to the Port Harcourt World Book Capital 2014 Secretariat
The decision of the judge is final, only short listed candidates would be contacted 
Names of the three winners would be published on our website and in the National dailies
Submission of entries:
Entries should be titled: “NATIONAL ESSAY COMPETITION” and emailed to
Submission of entries closes 30th of June, 2014
Essay must have a cover page indicating the following details of the contestants:
1. Name of essay
2. Full name
3. Address
4. Phone number
5. Email
6. State of origin
7. Age as at 30th of June, 2014
8. Gender
9. School Name
10. Essay word count

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